These publications were recently added to GLRPPR’s Sector Resources. This list is continuously updated on the web and is also available as an RSS feed.
LCA Info Hub
Wed, 16 Dec 2009 17:34:41 GMT
European Commission’s information hub on life cycle thinking based data, tools and services.
Carbon Footprint: What It Is and How To Measure It
Wed, 16 Dec 2009 17:32:25 GMT
Climate change is of high concern, driving growing demand for carbon footprint information. This leaflet is designed to help your organization get started with an efficient and effective approach to address this topic, building on existing international standards and European reference data; further information and data sources including links to service providers are included.
Talking to schools about green cleaning
Wed, 16 Dec 2009 14:56:30 GMT
The Environmental Working Group has a well-organized information page on talking to schools about green cleaning. It includes links to a customizable letter you can use to start the conversation, and a fact sheet to help educate school administrators about the benefits of green cleaning.
Best Practices in Product Chemicals Management in the Retail Industry: Moving Business Toward Safer Alternatives
Thu, 10 Dec 2009 22:52:52 GMT
Faced with growing demands to identify and disclose the potentially harmful chemical ingredients in the products they are selling and to substitute chemicals of concern, innovative retailers are incorporating product chemicals management systems into their corporate sustainability strategies. Developing and implementing such systems are not without challenges but retailers are discovering the benefits of such programs including an increase in consumer trust and cost savings. This report examines the influences on today’s retailers to encourage their adoption of chemicals management programs,the product chemicals management systems that seven innovative retailers have adopted in response to these influences, and the best practices identified in the development and implementation of these systems.
Life Cycle Analysis: A Step by Step Approach
Thu, 10 Dec 2009 22:22:43 GMT
Life cycle analysis (LCA) is the systematic approach of looking at a product’s complete life cycle, from raw materials to final disposal of the product. It offers a “cradle to grave” look at a product or process, considering environmental aspects and potential impacts. This report covers LCA basics, including issues to consider when starting a product life cycle assessment.
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 21:12:20 GMT
Life cycle analysis (LCA) is the systematic approach of looking at a product’s complete life cycle, from raw materials to final disposal of the product. It offers a “cradle to grave” look at a product or process, considering environmental aspects and potential impacts. This fact sheet provides an overview of the LCA process.
Reducing Energy Usage in Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities: A Tale of Two Cities
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 17:40:05 GMT
Water treatment facilities incorporate a variety of techniques when processing drinking water. No matter what individual techniques they use, all processes involve a series of pumps and motors to move water from a source (lake, stream, aquifer), through the treatment facility, into storage vessels to the public distribution system. Wastewater treatment facilities also use motors, pumps and fans to move the wastewater from the community to the facility, and to process and treat the wastewater once it enters the facility. These pumps, blowers, and motors require substantial amounts of energy, which makes them expensive to operate. This fact sheet describes energy conservation projects that ISTC did with the municipal water treatment facilities in Bushnell and Greenville, Illinois.
Power and Energy Basics: Calculating Energy Use & Savings
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 17:39:07 GMT
Due to concerns over rising energy prices and the effects of global climate change, interest in energy efficiency is increasing. Even for those that rely on the technical expertise of others to improve energy efficiency, it can be helpful to understand some basic power and energy concepts. This document presents some examples that demonstrate simple electricity and natural gas calculations.
Recovery of Steam Condensate Utilizing Membrane Technology at Carlisle SynTec Inc., Greenville, Illinois
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 17:37:26 GMT
Carlisle SynTec manufactures single-ply roofing systems primarily for commercial and industrial applications. In most situations, return of boiler steam condensate is a viable and often utilized energy recovery and water conservation practice. However at Carlisle SynTec, the return and reuse of steam condensate has not been feasible due to its use of a mica coating in the manufacture of EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer), a type of synthetic rubber. After the EPDM is mixed and rolled into sheets, a water-mica solution is applied to the EPDM sheet to prevent adhesion upon itself during vulcanization. The vulcanization process involves 1) winding the sheets onto large mandrels, 2) loading the mandrels of mica-coated product into six 8′ x 60′ autoclaves, 2) curing with direct contact steam for 4-6 hours, and then 3) unloading the mandrels to cool. During vulcanization, steam condenses on the product, the mandrel and autoclave’s interior walls. This steam condensate is not returned to the boiler due to the suspended mica particulates that render the condensate unusable. Prior attempts to remove the mica with traditional cartridge filtration had been ineffective, causing immediate boiler pump seal wear & failure, coating of internal boiler surfaces and even internal boiler component blockages. This required subsequent repairs, system downtime and parts and labor costs. No further attempts to filter the condensate were pursued. Seeing an opportunity, Carlisle Syntec requested assistance from the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) to investigate the feasibility of producing a steam condensate suitable for return to its boiler, saving natural gas, chemicals and water.
Construction and Demolition Waste Reduction: Yannell Residence, Chicago IL
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 17:34:21 GMT
This case study is one in a series developed by the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center to highlight techniques for saving money and protecting the environment through reuse and recycling of construction and demolition debris. Goldberg General Contracting was the lead contractor for the two-story 2700SF LEED home. The home incorporates variety of site-related green products including 100% pervious paving, two green roofs, solar panels, and a zero-turf landscape design. Goldberg General Contracting recycled and reused 34.10 tons of material and disposed of 4.82 tons of mixed construction and demolition waste, for a total waste reduction rate of 87.64 percent.