This post announces the availability of nearly $7.4 million and technical assistance in current opportunities for state, local, and tribal governments from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Agriculture (USDA), Funders’ Network, and American Institute of Architects (AIA) that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including sustainability, drought adaptation, and environmental education. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit the calendar of 2012 EPA grant opportunities that may be of particular interest to communities.
Funders’ Network Local Sustainability Matching Fund – $250,000
Application Due: October 1, 2012
Eligible Entities: The proposal must be submitted by a team of at least two partners who are (1) the sustainability director of a city (municipality) or a county and (2) the local, place-based foundation.
The Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities and the Urban Sustainability Directors Network have joined together to launch a Local Sustainability Matching Fund. The fund will provide matching investments from national foundations on a competitive basis to build partnerships between sustainability directors and local place-based foundations to advance discrete sustainability initiatives that demonstrate broad-based community support and engagement.
For more information, visit the Funders’ Network.
AIA Sustainable Design Assessment Teams (SDAT) – Technical Assistance
Application Due: Two review cycles; upcoming due date is October 12, 2012
Eligible Entities: Committees with a cross-section of residents, local government agencies, businesses, institutions, and community groups. A letter of support from the local AIA chapter is required.
The Sustainable Design Assessment Team (SDAT) program focuses on the importance of developing sustainable communities through design. The American Institute of Architects’ Center for Communities by Design is seeking potential partner communities that can demonstrate the capacity to convene a diverse set of community leaders and stakeholders for an intensive, collaborative planning process focused on long-term sustainability. The Center is particularly focused on identifying communities that have the ability to leverage local resources and build strong partnerships for implementation of an SDAT process. Awarded communities will receive pro bono services from a multidisciplinary team through the program, and the AIA commits to funding up to $15,000 for each project to cover team expenses.
For more information, visit the AIA SDAT page.
EPA Climate Leadership Awards
Application Due: October 12, 2012
Eligible Entities: Governmental entities or academic organizations with annual budgets over $100 million; legally recognized corporate organizations with annual revenue over $100 million.
EPA co-sponsors the Climate Leadership Awards (CLA) with three NGO partners: The Climate Registry, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, and the Association of Climate Change Officers. The CLA is a national awards program that recognizes and incentivizes exemplary corporate, organizational, and individual leadership in response to climate change. Applications will be accepted for the following recognition categories: Excellence in Greenhouse Gas Management (Goal Setting Certificate), Excellence in Greenhouse Gas Management, Supply Chain Leadership Award, Organizational Leadership Award, and Individual Leadership Award. This year’s award winners will be publicly recognized in early 2013 at the awards gala, held in Washington, DC, in conjunction with the Climate Leadership Conference.
For more information, visit the Climate Leadership Awards site.
USDA Conservation Innovation Grants – $5 million
Application Due: October 15, 2012
Eligible Entities: Federally recognized Indian tribes, state and local units of government, and non-governmental organizations and individuals.
Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) is a program intended to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies while leveraging federal investment in environmental enhancement and protection, in conjunction with agricultural production. In fiscal year 2013, USDA is offering an adaptation to drought funding category for CIG projects that demonstrate and/or enhance system resilience to drought. Proposal ideas include demonstration of innovative cropping or grazing systems that increase resilience to drought; alternative animal feeding systems that incorporate novel drought-tolerant feedstocks; and alternative housing and/or heating, ventilation, and cooling (HVAC) systems for confined animal operations to promote animal productivity even during periods of extreme temperatures.
For more information, see the funding notice.
EPA Environmental Education Regional Model Grants – $2.16 million
Application Due: November 21, 2012
Eligible Entities: Any local education agency, college or university, state education or environmental agency, nonprofit organization, or a noncommercial educational broadcasting entity. Tribal education agencies that are eligible to apply include a school or community college controlled by an Indian tribe, band, or nation that is recognized as eligible for special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians and which is not administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
The purpose of the Environmental Education Regional Grant Program is to increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues and provide the skills that participants in its funded projects need to make informed environmental decisions and take responsible actions toward the environment. In order to be eligible, all applications must address at least one of the EPA educational priorities listed and at least one EPA environmental priority. EPA educational priorities are community projects, human health and the environment, and career development. EPA environmental priorities include protecting air quality, preventing pollution, cleaning up our communities, and protecting America’s waters. EPA expects to award one grant per Region for an expected 10 grants nationwide.
For more information, visit the grant opportunity webpage.