ISTC Receives Pair of National Environmental Awards

The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) has received a pair of national environmental awards. Awards were received for the Sustainable Electronics Initiative (SEI) and by Dr. Tim Lindsey.

MVP2 Awards

The 2010 Most Valuable Pollution Prevention (MVP2) awards presented by the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR) celebrate the successes of innovators in the areas of pollution prevention and sustainability. These prestigious awards were presented recently at a ceremony in Washington, DC.  ISTC is a unit of the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Continue reading “ISTC Receives Pair of National Environmental Awards”

Happy P2 Week (Sept. 20-26)!

National Pollution Prevention (P2) Week is in full swing, and it’s a great time to consider and celebrate what your organization or business, and you as an individual, are doing to prevent pollution in the first place. Promoting the idea of eliminating waste before it is even created is obviously one of the major objectives of organizations like the Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR).

This year is particularly special, because it marks the 20th Anniversary of the passing of the Federal Pollution Prevention Act (PPA), which established the national policy that pollution should be prevented or reduced at the source whenever feasible. According to the U.S. EPA’s Pollution Prevention (P2) home page, “Pollution prevention (P2) is reducing or eliminating waste at the source by modifying production processes, promoting the use of non-toxic or less-toxic substances, implementing conservation techniques, and re-using materials rather than putting them into the waste stream.” The best way to solve a problem is to revise your actions to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. Pollution prevention not only protects the environment and public health, it also conveys economic benefits in terms of increased efficiency and lessening the financial burden associated with waste disposal, toxic clean up, and other liability issues.

The following links will help you learn more about P2 Week and some of this year’s celebrations. I encourage you to share what you and/or your organization is doing for P2 Week in the “Comments” section of this post. Continue reading “Happy P2 Week (Sept. 20-26)!”

Celebrate Pollution Prevention Week, Sept. 15-21, 2008

Today begins National Pollution Prevention Week (September 15-21 in 2008).  This year’s theme is “Pollution Prevention – Where Sustainable Practices Begin.” Check out U.S. EPA’s P2 Week page (linked to above) for tips on preventing pollution at home, at work, in the garden and on the road. More in depth information is also provided on the environmental benefits of pollution prevention methods and what is being done to prevent pollution within the U.S. EPA itself.

If you’re planning an activity or celebration in honor of P2 Week, or if your organization offers information on its web site promoting P2 Week, tell us about it by using the “Comments” area for this blog post. The comments will serve as a way to promote your events and share ideas and experiences with the rest of the P2 community.

National Pollution Prevention Week, Sept. 17-23; Share Your Celebrations!

National Pollution Prevention (P2) Week is the third full week in September each year, making it September 17-23 for 2007. Pollution prevention is reduction or elimination of pollution at the source, and involves more efficient use of resources, the substitution of less harmful substances for hazardous ones, and the elimination of toxic substances from production processes. The National Pollution Prevention Roundtable offers tips for preventing pollution at home, work, and school on its web site.

If you’re planning an activity or celebration in honor of P2 Week, or if your organization offers information on its web site promoting P2 Week, tell us about it by using the “Comments” area for this blog post. The comments will serve as a way to promote your events and share ideas and experiences with the rest of the P2 community.

To leave a comment, click on the word “Comments” (proceeded by a number or the word “No” indicating the number of comments currently associated with a post) or “leave a response” that appears at the bottom of this post after the list of categories the entry was posted to. This will take you to a form in which to type your comment. You must be logged in to WordPress (the blog publishing system used to produce the GLRPPR Blog) in order to leave a comment; if you have not commented on a post before, you’ll need to register (It’s free and easy–it just requires filling out an online form to establish a user name and password. You’ll need those to log in anytime you want to submit a comment.).

Michigan DEQ has a section on P2 Week on its web site, including a P2 Week planner and sample resolution, an environmental calendar, and P2 Week posters. The Indiana Partners for Pollution Prevention are hosting the 10th Annual Pollution Prevention Conference and Trade Show during P2 Week, and IDEM will present the Indiana Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence during this event. Check the GLRPPR Calendar for other events that are taking place during P2 Week, and if you know of others, share them in the “Comments” section!