P2Rx hosts P2 Impact, a monthly P2 column for the GreenBiz newsletter. We are seeking authors to write articles according to our guidelines. Articles need to be exclusive to P2Rx and GreenBiz among green-focused websites, with the exception of summaries appearing on your own company or personal site.
What We Want: Current topics relevant to P2 and sustainability program managers and to the green business community. We will accept both shorter (400-600 word) and longer (800-1,200 word) pieces across a range of topics. Examples include (but are not limited to):
- Stories of companies or initiatives
- Insights into business process, operations, or technologies
- Profiles or Q&A with business leaders or thought leaders
- Case studies and best business practices with respect to P2
- Advice and how-to pieces
What We Don’t Want: Technical or scientific debates; politics, except to the extent it directly affects business strategy; reviews of consumer products; rants; or repurposed press releases.
Visit the P2 Impact archive to read past columns.
Send article proposals to l-barnes@illinois.edu by Friday, February 3 to have it considered for publication in calendar year 2017. Include a brief paragraph of the planned article theme, length, focus, topics covered and possible arguments. Include a short biography of the author including P2 experience.
For more information on the process and detailed guidelines, visit http://wp.istc.illinois.edu/glrppr/guidelines-instructions-for-submitting-articles-to-p2rx-greenbiz-column/.