Pollution Prevention (P2) Week, held during the third week of September each year, highlights the efforts of organizations across the country in making pollution prevention a cornerstone of sustainability. The 2014 theme is “Pollution Prevention: The Clear Choice for Environmental Sustainability.”
The National Pollution Prevention Roundtable and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have information about events occurring throughout the country. NPPR also has a handy P2 Week Toolkit for organizations looking for ways to participate.
Within the region, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management will hold itsĀ 17th Annual Pollution Prevention Conference and Trade Show on September 17 in Plainfield, IN. The theme is “Thinking Global.” The conference will also include presentations of the Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence.
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality is hosting a seminar entitled Sustainable Manufacturing: Leading the Way to Prevention, Profit and the Future, also on September 17. The event will take place at Western Michigan University’s Fetzer Center in Kalamazoo. Michigan’s governor has also issued a P2 Week proclamation. The Department has also compiled a P2 Week Planner, which includes a sample resolution and press release.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will be using press releases and Twitter to raise awareness of their P2 efforts.
Here at GLRPPR, we’ll be publishing a P2 related blog post each day and will also be spreading the P2 message on Twitter using the hashtag #P2Week.
What are you doing to celebrate P2 Week? Share your activities in the comments.