This post originally appeared on Environmental News Bits.
The Washington State Department of Ecology’s Reducing Toxic Threats Initiative is based on the principle that preventing exposures to toxics is the smartest, cheapest and healthiest way to protect people and the environment. It supports Washington State’s Children’s Safe Product Act, which requires manufacturers of children’s products sold in Washington to report if their product contains a Chemical of High Concern to Children.
As a result of this campaign, the Department has developed several useful resources on chemicals in consumer products. They include:
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in General Consumer Products (published August 2014)
- Flame Retardants in General Consumer and Children’s Products (published June 2014)
- Phthalates in Children’s Products and Consumer and Children’s Packaging (published March 2014)
- Database of manufacturer data on chemicals in children’s products
- Information resulting from product testing done by Ecology
- Selecting Safer Chemical Alternatives
- Tackling Toxics: Testing Children’s Products (video)