P2Rx has a successful monthly column called P2 Impact (currently Pathways) running in GreenBiz.com.
We are looking for article contributors for the calendar year 2014. If you have a unique article idea that promotes the virtues of source reduction to a general business audience, please forward to dwalden@unr.edu by January 27 to be considered for our 2014 lineup. The article ideas will be evaluated by the P2Rx review committee and accepted articles will be published this year. Article and submission guidelines for the GreenBiz column appear below.
Here is the link to the articles published to date: http://www.greenbiz.com/business/engage/enterprise-blogs/p2-pathways.
Guidelines & Instructions for Submitting Articles to P2Rx GreenBiz Column
P2Rx hosts a monthly P2 column for the GreenBiz newsletter and a landing page on their website. We are seeking authors to write articles according to our guidelines. Articles need to be exclusive to P2Rx and GreenBiz among green-focused websites, with the exception of summaries appearing on your own company or personal site.
What We Want: Current topics relevant to P2 and sustainability program managers and to the green business community. We will accept both shorter (400-600 word) and longer (800-1,200 word) pieces across a range of topics. Examples include (but are not limited to):
- Stories of companies or initiatives
- Insights into business process, operations, or technologies
- Profiles or Q&A with business leaders or thought leaders
- Case studies and best business practices with respect to P2
- Advice and how-to pieces
What We Don’t Want: Technical or scientific debates; politics, except to the extent it directly affects business strategy; reviews of consumer products; rants; or repurposed press releases.
Article Content and Messaging
Articles need to be practical and P2 relevant. A good example is a case study where people can see how P2 programs were implemented. What are the barriers and what are challenges? Are there areas that require more work? Behavioral change is an important element. Article should revolve around a business interest and not necessarily a public agency need. Articles need to be timely, current and unique. Articles should be source reduction oriented and ideally focused on priority programs or projects that align with EPA’s strategic goals. Topics need to have transferability and relevance across sectors. For example, “how a company changed cleaning processes in order to reduce VOC use.”
Please include a quote, testimonial or case study in your article for better readership.
General Guidelines: Articles need to have a human interest element to better address the GreenBiz.com business focused audience. Do not use P2 jargon; rather use language that’s being used in the general environmental and business community. We want to keep on point about the merits of pollution prevention. Must be original content (not repurposed articles). Articles must address the general business community.
How to Submit an Article Proposal
Send article proposals to dwalden@unr.edu. Include a brief paragraph of the planned article theme, length, focus, topics covered and possible arguments. Include a short biography of the author including P2 experience.
Article Acceptance Process
Article proposals will be judged by a review committee and you will be notified if your proposal is selected. Once accepted, you will be approved to write a professional article according to P2Rx guidelines and timelines. Generally, the article is due three (3) weeks prior to the publish date and accepted any-time after approved concept. Include author biography and digital photo with submission. Once article is finished, the P2Rx article review committee will give you suggestions for improvement if applicable. We may change the order of publishing of articles depending upon timeliness of submittal and content in the article. Any articles that do not meet the author guidelines and acceptable writing standards will be rejected.
What to Submit with your Article Copy
Please send all this information along with your final revised article:
- A headline (please keep it to 65 characters, including spaces)
- A short summary (no more than 120 characters, including spaces)
- Headshot photo and bio: If you or the person you are submitting does not have an profile on GreenBiz, please submit a headshot photo (heads and shoulders only) with a short bio (one paragraph is fine, more if you wish)
- Photos (landscape orientation only) with photo credit: If you do not have permission to use it, please don’t send it and suggest that it should be used with the blog. Photos are optional, but real-life (and good quality!) photos accompanying the posts are invaluable additions. If you want to earn extra credit, you can resize them to 550×413 pixels.
About GreenBiz
GreenBiz is B-to-B, focusing on the greening of business. Their goal is to help environmental leaders in mainstream companies to be more effective in their jobs by better understanding how they can help their companies by cutting costs, improving reputation, tapping new business opportunities, and generally creating value.
GreenBiz Target Audience: Senior leaders in large corporations. Some have “environment” or “sustainability” in their titles, but many don’t. They come from operations, HR, marketing, purchasing, facilities, real estate, fleets, finance, etc. Their firms are driven by hardcore business goals as much as by environmental ones, and they’re seeking to align the two.
For more information on GreenBiz or the P2Rx P2 Impact column, visit the site: http://www.greenbiz.com/business/engage/enterprise-blogs/p2-pathways