The national Tribal Pollution Prevention Network (Tribal P2) is proud to announce the launch of the newly renovated website. The website provides resources, current funding opportunities and events, and collaborative connection assistance in 19 different topic areas – from Solid Waste to Green Casinos to Climate Change.
One goal of the Network is to facilitate collaboration among peers, mentors, and experts in topics related to pollution prevention. To that end, the new website features an interactive member map that provides contact information for Network members across the nation. Many of the Network’s members have agreed to be collaborators – which means they are willing to share their expertise with you.
Visit the site to learn about pollution prevention (P2) opportunities and identify peers with expertise to share. Join the Network listserv to receive information on regularly scheduled webinars, news, announcements and funding opportunities pertaining to timely and relevant P2 topics.
“…it all looks great! I really like the way you set up the website […] it should be very beneficial for all the Tribes needing help on difficult issues.” Donna Marie Noel, Energy Project Manager Water Resources Department, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
“…the listings are formatted in a user friendly way for communication and searching. It is a great tool!” Stan Belone, Environmental Engineer Air Quality Program, Environmental Protection & Natural Resources, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
The Tribal P2 Network was formed in December 2003 from an EPA grant issued as a result of tribal requests for more specific tribal communication about Pollution Prevention (P2) efforts directly relating to tribes. Tribal P2 consists of environmental professionals from tribal entities, local, state and federal agencies, academia, and not-for-profit organizations around the nation. The major objective of Tribal P2 is to share information and identify solutions to address environmental issues affecting the tribal nations using pollution prevention methodologies. Membership in the Network now stands at over 250 individual participants, with over 90 Tribes participating.