The National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR) / Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) P2 Results Task Force requests that your agency/program submit P2 results data for the calendar years 2007, 2008, and 2009 to your regional P2Rx center (GLRPPR for U.S. EPA Region 5) for input into the P2 Results Data System per the P2 Results Memorandum of Understanding. The P2 Results Data collection will begin on August 1, 2010 through September 30, 2010.
The P2 Results Task Force has recently worked on upgrading and improving the P2 Results Data System in response to comments and requests from users. In particular, the System now includes greenhouse gas metrics, updated and improved cost calculators, and the capability to identify results associated with EPA grant funding. The Task Force will be conducting webinars to brief System users on these changes and will announce the schedule shortly.
In addition to each P2Rx Center using the results data to generate regional reports, NPPR will utilize this data to help prepare a three-year national report on P2 results that covers 2007–2009. Since 1990, NPPR has documented over 200 billion pounds of waste reduced, 145 billion gallons of water conserved, and 125 billion dollars saved. These results demonstrate the value of P2 in not only environmental terms and natural resource conservation, but also in economic benefits such as job creation and retention.
As you may know, in the past the P2 Results Data System publicly presented the results only on a regional level. Recently, the P2 Results Task Force decided to begin presenting the data on a state-wide level in addition to the regional and national reports. This decision was based upon the results of a recent survey that NPPR conducted of system users, which found that approximately 85 percent of the respondents were in favor of this aggregation of data. The P2 Results Task Force has decided to monitor the use of this state-wide aggregated data and will reevaluate this decision if there appears to be any improper or out of context use. Aggregation of the data at the state level will be accomplished through the System with no extra burden on the programs that share their data.
The survey also found that 75 percent of the respondents were in favor of aggregating and presenting the data on a program level as well. The Task Force is interested in further input from users like you on whether to proceed with publicly displaying this more refined level of data aggregation. The Task Force plans to continue to solicit input and suggestions on the level of data transparency provided through System. Contact Jeff Burke, NPPR (, Terri Goldberg, NEWMOA and Task Force co-chair (, or Ken Grimm, PPRC and Task Force co-chair ( to share your thoughts.
Data submitted after the September 30, 2010 deadline will be included in the System but may not be utilized in the upcoming NPPR national report.
If you have questions on how to participate in the system, contact GLRPPR Executive Director Bob Iverson. To obtain an account for the P2 Results Data System, contact Tyler Rubach. Additional questions should be sent to Ken Grimm.
View the fact sheet about the P2 Results Task Force and learn more about it.