The Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC) recently released the Climate Change Topic Hub™, a peer-reviewed, information-packed online resource geared toward small- to medium-sized businesses and industrial sectors that offers an extensive list of pollution prevention opportunities involving process modification, material substitution, and new technology.
Additionally, it provides over 100 topic-related electronic tools, websites, and reference articles. It includes the contact information for over 20 agencies, nonprofits, partnerships, and programs that offer expertise in climate change.
Topic Hubs™ are web-based guides to peer-reviewed pollution prevention information and expertise on a particular subject. Topics range from sector-wide compendiums such as aerospace industry to more narrowly-focused topics such as semiconductor manufacturing. Topic Hubs™ include background information, pollution prevention opportunities, reasons for change, where to go for help, and links to more information on the subject.
PPRC, like the Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR), is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx), a national network of regional information centers.
View all of the Topic Hubs developed by GLRPPR and other P2Rx Centers at