Want to learn more about World Water Day? Visit these resources.
World Water Day
The international observance of World Water Day is an initiative that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. Explore World Water Day events on the calendar or add your own.
This World Water Day, a Salute to the Unsung Heroes of Clean Water
Post on the National Geographic Green Guide blog about mussels and their importance as natural water filters.
World Water Day 2010 Highlights Solutions and Calls for Action to Improve Water Quality Worldwide
Investment in safe water will have high returns in ensuring a healthy ecosystem and human society, says a new report released today by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) during the global World Water Day celebrations in Nairobi.
Interested in improving your water footprint? Here are some resources to help.
5 cheap ways to save 1,000 gallons of water
Mother Nature Network offers five ideas that cost next to nothing and can each save 1,000 gallons a year.
The H2O Conserve Water Calculator
An interactive tool designed to help you figure out how much water you use, how you use it and how you can use less.
Water — Use It Wisely
Site includes a list of 100+ ways to conserve water and links to other water conservation resources.
Business.gov > Water Conservation
Offers suggestions and resources for businesses interested in improving their water footprints.
Water Conservation
This 2008 article by GreenBiz offers solutions and resources for companies who want to minimize their water use.