The Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) recently added a “Data Centers” subcategory to both the “Consumer Electronics” and “Energy Efficiency” Sector Resources.
Sector Resources are collections of records for both online and hard copy material related to a particular industrial sector (e.g. “Agriculture”) or a topic of interest across a wide variety of sectors (e.g. “Energy Efficiency”). A list of expert contacts that may be consulted for further information on the subject at hand is also included within each Sector Resource, as well as relevant news, events, funding opportunities and archived questions and answers from the GLRPPR Help Desk. Each item listed within a Sector Resource has a full record, containing the item’s title, a brief abstract, a link to the item (if it is available online), date of publication, source and resource type. Price and ordering information are listed for hard copy items where available.
There is a great deal of interest these days in greening IT, particularly in improving the energy efficiency of data centers. Recognizing this trend, it seems appropriate to group information on these topics in new resource subcategories on the GLRPPR site. If you have suggestions for resources related to these topics that you would like to see included in these areas of the GLRPPR website, please send your suggestions via email to Joy Scrogum or Laura Barnes.
Here are some highlights of the resources available within the “Data Centers” subcategories:
- The Green Grid: The Green Grid is an association of information technology professionals seeking to lower the overall consumption of power in datacenters around the globe. The Green Grid will function as an interactive body of members who will share best practices in datacenter power management. Industry experts will be leading interactive online discussion boards, live chats, and webinars to raise awareness and foster discussion around critical aspects of datacenter management. Green Grid members can participate by interacting online, sharing best practices and tribulations, meeting annually, and by lobbying the IT industry for better power-saving solutions. The Green Grid web site provides related news and events; power articles; training; case studies and white papers; research and videos; a list of founding sponsors; and information on membership.
- Climate Savers Computing Initiative: The Climate Savers Computing Initiative brings together industry, consumers and conservation organizations to significantly increase the energy efficiency of computers and servers. It includes a searchable online directory of energy efficient computing products.
- Power Management for Networked Computers: A Review of Utility Incentive Programs: This paper reviews rebate and incentive programs currently offered by utilities for activating power management features on computer networks. It explores the rationale behind program requirements, and provides a high-level assessment of their impact. Finally, it offers suggestions for utilities and regulators considering similar programs. Written by J. Michael Walker. PDF Format; Length: 12 pages.
- Report to Congress on Server and Data Center Energy Efficiency: On August 2, 2007 and in response to Public Law 109-431 the U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR Program released to Congress a report assessing opportunities for energy efficiency improvements for government and commercial computer servers and data centers in the United States. The report recommends priority efficiency opportunities and policies that can also lead to additional savings using state-of-the-art technologies and operations. The report shows that data centers in the United States have the potential to save up to $4 billion in annual electricity costs through more energy efficient equipment and operations, and the broad implementation of best management practices. The report, its appendices and its executive summary are available for download in PDF format at the link above.