[Post author: Wayne Duke]
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) facilitated specialized training sessions with KERAMIDA, Inc., to help businesses and communities around the state “jump start” their environmental management systems. Staff from KERAMIDA provided on-site sessions to 25 manufacturers and two communities, under the Jumpstart© Environmental Management System (EMS) Program.
“KERAMIDA, Inc. addressed the environmental needs of Indiana’s industries statewide by using KERAMIDA’s proprietary Jumpstart© program,” said Pamela Griesemer, Director of EMS Services for KERAMIDA. “The Jumpstart© program identifies an industry’s manufacturing and organizational activities that may impact the environment and customizes an environmental management system to reduce such impacts, all within six days of on-site assistance. Having an EMS provides a competitive edge to an industrial facility while it assures its environmental compliance is managed in the most cost-effective way. An EMS is the first step towards sustainable manufacturing and carbon dioxide reductions.”
IDEM Assistant Commissioner Rick Bossingham explained that IDEM encourages organizations to develop an environmental management system (EMS). “An EMS can increase efficiency significantly, decrease adverse environmental impacts, and save businesses money, time and resources in the long run,” Bossingham said. “Participating in the Jumpstart© EMS program enabled Hoosier companies and communities to quickly develop an environmental management system tailored to their operations and needs.”
Some examples of gains that can be realized by implementing an EMS include improved energy efficiency, increased waste reduction and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, Bossingham noted that the objective of providing assistance through the Jumpstart EMS Program was to increase the number of Indiana entities using an EMS to improve their environmental performance.
“The Jumpstart© EMS Program involves the management of participating companies and communities to look at their environmental policies, establish environmental goals, identify procedures for reducing environmental impacts, and examine how they can continue to improve their environmental performance,” said Bossingham. “It is an important part of pollution prevention in Indiana and important to IDEM’s mission of protecting Hoosiers and our environment.”
Communities that participate in the Jumpstart© EMS Program are encouraged to participate in the Indiana CLEAN Community challenge, as well. Businesses that participate in the Jumpstart© EMS Program are eligible for membership in IDEM’s Environmental Stewardship program.
The IDEM-sponsored Jumpstart© EMS Program was made possible by a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The sessions were conducted from December 2008 through July 2009 at no cost to participants. KERAMIDA, Inc. will continue to offer the Jumpstart© EMS Program to entities interested in their services.
More information about the Jumpstart© EMS Program is available through KERAMIDA’s Web site at www.keramida.com/Jumpstart-EMS/about-jumpstart.html. For information about IDEM’s ESP, visit www.in.gov/idem/4132.htm. IDEM will be accepting applications for the ESP program from September 1 through October 31. For information about IDEM’s CLEAN Community programs, visit IDEM’s Web site at www.in.gov/idem/4135.htm. IDEM accepts applications for the CLEAN Community Challenge year round.