Workshop to be presented on making your organization “green”

[Post author: Bob Iverson]

Learn how to make your organization more “green” at a special workshop Wednesday, June 3 in Indianapolis. In the morning, an information specialist from the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center will present a green business workshop. At this session, you will learn how to save money and improve your organization’s environmental performance through green business practices such as greening the office, green purchasing, activity based cost accounting, greening the supply chain, recycling, and green cleaning/janitorial practices. The training will also cover energy efficiency opportunities associated with common office functions, such as heating/air conditioning, electronic devices, appliances, and lighting.

A participant at an earlier ISTC workshop said she will use the information she learned to transform the athletic supply company where she works. “The facts and figures will help me convince the bosses to switch products and processes. I can show how it’s cost-effective.”

Another participant said the information will help his Developmental Services company to “convert buildings to newer bulbs and ballasts…as well as research and find a vendor to recycle office paper.”

The afternoon will feature a presentation about the Kansas Green Teams. Participants will hear a case study of teams that have brought efficiencies/greening systems into the office and industrial workplace. This program has been especially successful in Green Government projects.

The workshop is being held in connection with the EPA Region 5 and Region 7 Joint Conference at the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Artin Indianapolis. Participants can attend just the workshop day, or stay for the full conference June 4 & 5. Registration for the workshop alone is only $25.

To register, and for information about the conference speakers, go to

Documents recently added to GLRPPR sector resources

These publications were recently added to GLRPPR’s Sector Resources. This list is also available as an RSS feed at

Electronic Waste Recycling: Public Act 95-0959 – Electronic Products Recycling & Reuse Act
Wed, 27 May 2009 16:08:05 GMT
Public Act 95-0959 became the law of the State of Illinois in September 2008. The law establishes a statewide system for recycling and/or reusing computers, monitors, televisions, and printers discarded from residences by requiring electronic manufacturers and retailers to participate in the management of discarded and unwanted electronic products. This IEPA site has guidance on the new law for electronics manufacturers, retailers, and collectors, recyclers, and refurbishers.

Closing the Circle News (Spring 2008)
Wed, 27 May 2009 15:52:23 GMT
The Spring 2008 edition of “Closing the Circle News” from the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive focuses on the Federal community’s progress in sustainable design/green building. (PDF Format; Length: 24 pages)

Electronics Take Back Coalition: State Legislation
Fri, 22 May 2009 18:57:36 GMT
This portion of the Electronics Take Back Coalition web site includes a map of the U.S. noting which states have passed or are considering e-waste regulations. Links to the text of the laws and program web sites are provided. Also includes information for New York City.

Illinois Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act (SB 2313)
Fri, 22 May 2009 17:48:12 GMT
Illinoia e-waste legislation that requires manufacturers to establish facilities to accept e-waste from consumers. The law is on a rolling basis and over the next few years the recycling requirements will kick in and by 2012, disposal of certain e-waste in municipal waste and sanitary landfills and at incinerators will be prohibited. The E-Waste Act only applies to electronic equipment taken out of use from residences, but it affects many of the businesses involved in the stream of electronic commerce. There is a civil penalty of up to $10,000 for each day of violation. Devices covered in the legislation include computers, cell phones, televisions, PDAs, printers, fax machines, game consoles, VCRs, DVD players, iPods and others (calculators and typewriters are NOT included).

Climate Planning for Campuses: A How To Guide
Wed, 20 May 2009 18:00:23 GMT
This Climate Action Planning Guide wiki launched in April 2009 with initial text provided by Walter Simpson, CEM, LEED AP, a retired Energy Officer from University at Buffalo and the former Director of UB Green. Many others have generously contributed to it since the launch, helping keeping the document up-to-date and relevant over time.

Education for Climate Neutrality and Sustainability: Guidance for ACUPCC Institutions
Wed, 20 May 2009 14:41:28 GMT
In recognizing the importance of the academic component of campus climate neutrality, American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) institutions have committed to take “actions to make climate neutrality and sustainability a part of the curriculum and other educational experiences for all students.” This document has been created to assist signatory schools in implementing this component of the ACUPCC. It is designed to clarify the spirit and intent of the Commitment, identify some of the best practices across higher education, and provide resources to assist signatories in creating their own strategies. The intended audience is higher education leaders, including presidents, provosts, deans, faculty, ACUPCC Implementation Liaisons and others that are working on the implementation of the ACUPCC. Because each institution has a unique culture and approach to learning, there is not a “one-size-fits-all” strategy for how all colleges and universities can achieve this goal. This guidance document was developed with the recognition that not all higher education institutions are alike. A variety of strategies are offered in order to provide a choice of options for different institutions, and examples demonstrate a range of practices at institutions of differing enrollments, charters, resources, and student demographics. A significant list of resources is also included for those signatories who would like more information.