Compliance Assistance Centers need your support

[Post author: Bob Iverson]

I am posting this article on behalf of Deb Jacobson, Director of the Printers National Environmental Assistance Center.

Friends and Colleagues,

I am sending this message on behalf of the individuals involved with the EPA Compliance Assistance Centers.

It is our understanding that EPA has cut all funding to the National Compliance Assistance Centers in the 2009 budget. We are currently in communication with EPA to encourage them to reconsider this plan. We have requested that EPA restore supporting funds in the 2010 budget and beyond. Without supporting funds the Centers will no longer be maintained and the resources will quickly become obsolete and out of date. In addition, you will no longer have quick and easy access to the industry technical experts.

Since 1995 the Centers have served as a valuable resource to the assistance provider community as well as the industry representatives themselves. The Centers represent seventeen industrial sectors that many of you serve. We are seeking your support and encourage you to contact EPA to express your concerns about the loss of this resource. Contact:

Ms. Lisa Jackson

Lisa Lund, Director
EPA Office of Compliance

Dave Hindin, Acting Deputy Director
EPA Office of Compliance

Tracy Back
CAC Program Coordinator
EPA office of Compliance

Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460

I have a sample letter to Ms. Jackson if you would like a copy. Should you need any additional details or information you can contact me or any of the Center directors see Note, I am now the primary contact for the Printers’ National Environmental Assistance Center.


Deb Jacobson
PNEAC Director