Congratulations to 2009 PNEAC Publication of the Year Award Winners

Winners of the PNEAC Publication of the Year Awards were announced and honored at the Printer’s NEHS conference in Indianapolis. Congratulations to the following winners:

Periodicals/Book/Research Report Category
Winner: Flexo magazine, Flexographic Technical Association, for a 4-edition, year-long series focused on environmentally sustainable printing.

Article/Fact Sheet/Case Study Category
Winner: Paul Jakubski, Dow Jones & Company
for the article, “Calculating and Reducing Your Carbon Footprint,” published in the June 2008 edition of GATF World.

Nominations for the award were strong again this year. PNEAC sincerely thanks and commends all who participated in either preparing nominations or authoring nominated publications.

The PNEAC Publication of the Year Award seeks to honor the best and most significant journal article, fact sheet, report or book on the subject of pollution prevention in the printing industry.

Deb Jacobson, of the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center and Director of PNEAC, said, “PNEAC is extremely pleased to recognize the excellent contributions each of the two winning publications has made to advance the practice of green, sustainable practices within the printing industry. Judges were impressed with how each of the winning publications provided clear, practical guidance for printers seeking to improve environmental performance to meet marketplace, cost and regulatory challenges.”

Compliance Assistance Centers need your support

[Post author: Bob Iverson]

I am posting this article on behalf of Deb Jacobson, Director of the Printers National Environmental Assistance Center.

Friends and Colleagues,

I am sending this message on behalf of the individuals involved with the EPA Compliance Assistance Centers.

It is our understanding that EPA has cut all funding to the National Compliance Assistance Centers in the 2009 budget. We are currently in communication with EPA to encourage them to reconsider this plan. We have requested that EPA restore supporting funds in the 2010 budget and beyond. Without supporting funds the Centers will no longer be maintained and the resources will quickly become obsolete and out of date. In addition, you will no longer have quick and easy access to the industry technical experts.

Since 1995 the Centers have served as a valuable resource to the assistance provider community as well as the industry representatives themselves. The Centers represent seventeen industrial sectors that many of you serve. We are seeking your support and encourage you to contact EPA to express your concerns about the loss of this resource. Contact:

Ms. Lisa Jackson

Lisa Lund, Director
EPA Office of Compliance

Dave Hindin, Acting Deputy Director
EPA Office of Compliance

Tracy Back
CAC Program Coordinator
EPA office of Compliance

Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460

I have a sample letter to Ms. Jackson if you would like a copy. Should you need any additional details or information you can contact me or any of the Center directors see Note, I am now the primary contact for the Printers’ National Environmental Assistance Center.


Deb Jacobson
PNEAC Director

PNEAC Offers Industrial Stormwater Permit Guide

The Printers’ National Environmental Assistance Center (PNEAC) website now offers The Industrial Stormwater Permit Guide to assist businesses in complying with federal stormwater regulations.

PNEAC has developed an easy to use on-line tutorial about the Industrial Stormwater Permitting requirements. This program explains federal stormwater regulations for business (not just printers), and the options available for compliance. It also provides detailed guidance on which states have permitting authority and links to state and/or federal forms that industrial facilities must submit to be in compliance with the regulations.

The tool walks the user through the regulations in order for the user to determine whether they must obtain a Stormwater Permit or are exempt from permitting requirements, and then walks the user through the process of completing and submitting the “No Exposure Certification.” It is an easy to use tool utilizing a lesson format which also provides a visual guide for understanding compliant vs. non-compliant stormwater situations.

This new tool was modeled after the EPA Hazardous Waste Manifest Compliance Assistance tool that PNEAC previously developed. You can find the full compliment of compliance assistance tools at

2008 Indiana Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards

[Post author: Bob Iverson]

Nominations now being accepted for:

  • Five Years’ Continuous Improvement
  • Energy/Renewable Resources
  • Greening the Government
  • Outreach or Education
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Recycling/Reuse
  • Land Use

The Indiana Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards recognize exemplary projects across Indiana. Projects must demonstrate significant and measurable results, be innovative, comprehensive and documented.

Who Can Apply?
The awards are open to all Indiana facilities, state and local units of government, individuals, and technical assistance organizations that operate or support environmental protection efforts of  outstanding quality. Eligible technical assistance organizations include, but are not limited to: public entities, educational groups, trade associations, individuals, public interest and community and labor groups. Nominated projects/facilities must be: located in Indiana; focused on significant environmental protection activity; able to provide at least a year of quantifiable results; innovative; voluntary; in compliance with environmental health and safety laws; and, willing to share information with others via state publications or Web sites.

Nominations must be received by IDEM by 5 p.m. EST on Monday, April 20, 2009.

To learn more, call 800.988.7901 or visit

New job for a long time GLRPPR friend!

[Post author: Bob Iverson]

A long-time friend (and one of the original creators) of GLRPPR has a new job. The following announcement is from Bill Shilts, Executive Director of the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability at the University of Illinois. The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (which coordinates GLRPPR) is part of INRS.

“I am pleased to announce that Gary Miller has accepted the position of Interim Associate Executive Director within the INRS central office, effective March 16, 2009. Gary has served as the Interim Director of ISTC for almost a year, and has been employed at ISTC (formerly WMRC) for the past 23 years. Gary’s many years of experience with the University and State government will help shape the Institute during this exciting time.

As Gary accepts this new role, John Marlin will become Acting Director of ISTC. John has worked many years at ISTC and had been serving as Associate Director. His experience at ISTC, as well as his prior experiences chairing the Illinois Pollution Control Board and as a well-known and respected environmentalist will serve us well.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Asghar Mirarefi for his service as Interim Associate Executive Director. Asghar will resume a 100% appointment within the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research.”

Congratulations to both Gary Miller and John Marlin. Those of us in GLRPPR look forward to continuing to work with them in their new roles.

IDEM Commissioner Praises Eight Hoosier Companies for Environmental Leadership

[Post author: Wayne Duke]

After demonstrating long-term compliance with environmental laws and voluntarily agreeing to implement continuous improvements, eight new members have been accepted into the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s (IDEM’s) Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP).

“These businesses are models for other Hoosier companies and show that sound environmental management is good for business,” said IDEM Commissioner Thomas Easterly. “ESP members voluntarily eliminate waste, preserve resources and protect Hoosiers and the environment. They deserve recognition for going beyond the basic requirements of the law.”

This is the third year of the ESP program, and there are 46 members participating in this initiative. ESP’s newest members include:

  • Frito-Lay, Inc., Frankfort, Clinton County

Frito-Lay, Inc. has agreed to install water meters at each process point and implement monitoring activities and process controls to optimize water use, thus reducing water use by 82,765,244 gallons by the end of 2009.

  • Guardian Automotive Trim, Inc., Evansville, Vanderburgh County

Guardian Automotive Trim, Inc. is committed to reducing natural gas usage in the plating process boiler by 10 percent in its first year of membership as a result of pre-heating the day tank that returns water to the boiler and reducing the amount of time that water has to cool down, thus maintaining a more consistent water temperature.

  • Nishikawa Standard Company, LLC – Bremen Facility, Marshall County

Nishikawa Standard Company, LLC – Bremen Facility is committed to reducing its solid waste during its first year of membership by 8,500 pounds by replacing 23 automated paper towel dispensers with 19 highly-efficient electric hand dryers in an effort to eliminate landfill contributions.

  • NOF Jasper 11th Avenue, Jasper, Dubois County

NOF Jasper 11th Avenue has agreed to increase the amount it recycles by 26,920 pounds by the end of 2009 with the creation of a new training program for employees and implementing 5S principles to make separating recyclables more visual for employees.

  • NOF Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Spencer County

NOF Santa Claus has agreed to increase the amount it recycles by 15,631 pounds by the end of 2009 with the creation of a new training program for employees and implementing 5S principles to make separating recyclables more visual for employees.

  • Ottenweller Company, Inc., Fort Wayne, Allen County

Ottenweller Company, Inc. is committed to reducing the amount of propane used in its forklifts by 34,051 pounds, or 30 percent, by improving staging methods and using jacks and carts.

  • SAMTEC, Incorporated, New Albany, Floyd County

SAMTEC, Incorporated has agreed to involve all of its employees in reducing their environmental impact by recycling 1,000 pounds of aluminum cans and 1,500 pounds of plastic bottles in the employee cafeteria by the end of 2009.

  • Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc., Lafayette, Tippecanoe County

Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. is committed to replacing a solvent-borne top coat with a water-borne top coat reducing volatile organic compounds by 202,287 pounds by the end of 2009.

To become an ESP member, a business must maintain an exemplary compliance record, certify that it has adopted and implemented an approved environmental management system, and commit to specific measures for continued improvement in its environmental performance.

ESP members qualify for expedited permit review, flexibility in permitting, reduced reporting frequencies, and coordination of compliance inspections. To maintain ESP membership, companies must report on their environmental initiatives every year and reapply for ESP membership every three years.

For details about the program, visit IDEM’s Web site at

About IDEM

IDEM ( implements federal and state regulations regarding the environment. Through compliance assistance, incentive programs and educational outreach, the agency encourages and aids businesses and citizens in protecting Hoosiers and our environment.

March 2009 Site of the Month: Green Drinks International

As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, you’ll probably see, hear about, or maybe even drink beer that’s been tinted green. But if you’re more interested in networking with other folks who share your concern for the environment than in gimmicks, skip the green grog and check out the Green Drinks International web site to see if regular Green Drinks events are held in your area. According to the web site, “Every month people who work in the environmental field meet up at informal sessions known as Green Drinks. We have a lively mixture of people from NGOs, academia, government and business. Come along and you’ll be made welcome. Just say, “are you green?” and we will look after you and introduce you to whoever is there. It’s a great way of catching up with people you know and also for making new contacts. Everyone invites someone else along, so there’s always a different crowd, making Green Drinks an organic, self-organising network.” The events are locally organized and typically take place at bars, restaurants, coffee houses, cafes, etc.–anywhere where people can meet and share ideas. Some gatherings include a speaker or theme to help stimulate discussion, but remain largely informal. Events vary from city to city, but all follow the Green Drinks Code.

Green Drinks events are currently held in 448 cities around the world, including many in the Great Lakes region. Chicago, for example, has a very popular Green Drinks gathering that averages “at least 75 people at each event.” Just use the “Find City” function on the Green Drinks web site to determine if an existing gathering is taking place near you, and to get more details.  Browse the “News” and “Stories” sections of the site to get updates on Green Drinks gatherings around the world and to read newspaper and magazine articles describing local groups to help you get a feel for what these informal events are like and what participants get out of them. And if there’s not a gathering in your area, you can learn how to start one.

These gatherings are decentralized, allowing each participating city to “do its own thing,” ensuring that the events suit the needs and interests of the local community. Each city can even come up with its own logo if desired, like the ones featured in this post.

As budgets get tighter and travel to out-of-state events becomes more and more difficult to justify, programs like Green Drinks can help environmental professionals feel less isolated by providing face-to-face networking opportunities at home. Plus, you never know what new opportunities or information you might find in your own backyard.