EPA National Dialogue on Environmental Information

[Post author: Scott Butner]

During the month of May, the EPA Office of Environmental Information (OEI) is hosting a national dialogue on environmental information, inviting all of its stakeholders to comment on what we’d like to see from EPA in terms of information — sources, formats, etc.

I’ve worked with EPA on the issue of environmental information for many, many years — I have not seen them as receptive to new ideas as they seem to be recently, at any time before.  Take a few moments to participate in the conversation, and especially to speak up  for the need for improved P2 related information, which is barely registering in the comments people have made to date.

The Boolify Project

I found this search tool last week and though it would be of interest to those of you who are more visually oriented. It’s targeted toward elementary and middle school students, but should appeal to anyone who is a visual thinker.

The Boolify Project was designed to make it easier to for people to understand their web search by illustrating their search logic and by showing them how each change to their search instantly changes their results. Use the green pieces for your key words or phrases, then pull down the and/or/not pieces to link concepts. It’s a very nice way to design complex searches. There are also some great links on Boolean searching and web site evaluation in the Curriculum section.

Keep in mind that search results are presented through Google’s “Safe Search STRICT” technology, so if you’re searching for something that might be filtered, your results may not be complete.

May 2008 Site of the Month: Campus Environmental Resource Center (ERC)

The Campus Environmental Resource Center provides comprehensive environmental compliance assistance and pollution prevention information for colleges and universities. The center was developed by the National Association of Colleges and University Business Officials with support and funding from EPA. The Web site makes it easier for school officials to learn more about applicable environmental regulations and ensure a safe and sustainable environment for their students, faculty, and staff. The online center provides information on topics including waste management, air and water resources, drinking water, and public safety. Viewers can find out what types of campus activities are regulated by EPA, see how best to comply with environmental regulations, query federal enforcement and compliance data, learn how to apply for federal grants, and e-mail comments to EPA on regulations under development.

Please note that GLRPPR Sites of the Month are now being posted on the GLRPPR Blog, and will display on the GLRPPR homepage at the first of the month. Sites of the Month from May 2008 on will be archived in the blog category “Sites of the Month.” Previous sites of the month are listed at http://www.glrppr.org/news/site_of_the_month.cfm.