Applications Being Accepted for Illinois Governor’s Pollution Prevention Awards

Illinois Governor Rod R. Blagojevich has announced that applications are now available for the 2007 Governor’s Pollution Prevention Awards. The Waste Management and Research Center (WMRC) – a division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR)- is now accepting applications for the annual awards program that honors companies and organizations for their efforts to prevention pollution.

“Organizations that lead the way in finding and using new methods to reduce waste and protect the environment contribute to a healthier Illinois,” said Gov. Blagojevich. “Anyone who makes an ongoing commitment to prevent pollution that, in the long run, will make their employees and our communities healthier is encouraged to apply.”

“It gives me great pleasure, year after year to see new companies and organizations recognized for their pollution prevention efforts. Our land benefits, our people benefit and these companies benefit for showing their leadership in environmental protection,” said Acting IDNR Director Sam Flood.

Since 1987, the WMRC has presented the Governor’s Pollution Prevention Awards to companies and organizations in Illinois that have demonstrated a commitment to environmental excellence through the practice of pollution prevention. Any Illinois public or private organization is eligible to apply for an award. Continuous Improvement Awards are awarded to companies that have shown an ongoing commitment to pollution prevention.

Information about the Governor’s Pollution Prevention Awards and an application are available online at: Or contact Bob Iverson, Information Services Manager, to receive an application in the mail. Telephone: 217-333-8946. E-mail:

The application due date is May 21, 2007. Technical experts from WMRC will review applications and site visits may be performed. The Governor’s office makes the final award decisions. Winners will be announced at the Governor’s Pollution Prevention Awards banquet on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at the Abbington in Glen Ellyn.

Thanks to Bob Iverson for submitting this information.

IL: Applicants Sought for New Award

The Illinois Waste Management & Research Center (WMRC) is seeking applicants for the new Illinois Sustainable Technology Award. The Sustainable Technology Award recognizes a novel technology that leads to significant waste reduction or elimination. Applicants must illustrate how innovative the new technology is, discuss the long-term beneficial impact of the technology on the environment in Illinois, and show how it has been implemented.

This award comes with a scholarship, provided by external sources, which goes to an Illinois resident attending a college or university. The Sustainable Technology Award is an expansion of the Innovate Illinois Award formerly presented by WMRC.

Information about the Illinois Sustainability Technology Award is available on the WMRC web site: The application due date is May 21, 2007. Technical experts from WMRC will review applications and site visits may be performed. The winner will be announced in October.

WMRC is a division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). Its headquarters is on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Center also has offices in Oak Brook, Peoria and Brighton.

Thanks to Bob Iverson for submitting this information.

RSS Feeds Available for GLRPPR Sector Resources

GLRPPR is pleased to announce that RSS feeds are now available for all of the GLRPPR Sector Resources. This means that you can now subscribe to the sector and subject categories that interest you and receive updates in your news aggregator (e.g. Google Reader, Bloglines, etc.) when something new is added to those categories. Many of you already use the GLRPPR News RSS feed, but if you’re new to the concept and need more explanation, check out P2RIC’s RSS Frequently Asked Questions page. The Sector Resource RSS feeds will allow you to keep up with the latest information added to the GLRPPR web site related to your subjects of interest –without having to visit the GLRPPR site, search through the Sector Resources and try to figure out what has been added since you last checked. The “new additions” you’ll be monitoring will include resources, upcoming events, funding opportunities and archived Help Desk questions and answers related to a sector or subject.

To subscribe to Sector Resource RSS feeds, visit the Sector Resources section of the GLRPPR site. Browse through the list of categories, and click on those of interest to you. Within each Sector Resource, you’ll see a small orange box (like this: ) next to the title of the Sector Resource. If you want to subscribe to the RSS feed for that Sector Resource, just click on that orange icon. If you’re using Internet Explorer as your web browser, you’ll see a page showing the code for the RSS feed. Use the URL for that page to subscribe to the feed with your news aggregator of choice. If you’re using FireFox as your web browser, you’ll go to a page that allows you to select the news aggregator you want to subscribe with. Once that choice is made, click on the “subscribe now” button and then follow the regular procedure for adding a new feed to your aggregator. For an example, see the Mercury Sector Resource and look for the orange icon at the top of the page, next to the title. The updates you’ll get in your news aggregator will include the title of the new item and an indication of what the item is (e.g. “Resource,” “Training,” “Funding Opportunity,” etc.), as well as the description of that item as it appears on the GLRPPR web site. Click on the link to the item to go to that item.

This is a new service, so we anticipate that there may be bugs to work out in the beginning; if you want to report a technical problem related to the new feeds, email Tyler Rubach, GLRPPR Webmaster.