Welcome to the GLRPPR Blog–a new service we’re providing to help keep you informed about pollution prevention resources from throughout the Great Lakes region and beyond.
The Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) is a professional organization dedicated to promoting information exchange and networking to pollution prevention (P2) professionals in the Great Lakes regions of the United States and Canada. GLRPPR is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx), a national network of regional information centers funded in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The GLRPPR Blog is meant to facilitate and encourage networking and information exchange among P2 professionals and others in the Great Lakes region who are interested in promoting sustainability principles in industry and everyday life. We hope you’ll come to view the blog as a means to stay up-to-date on environmental issues and to share ideas and techniques with your colleagues. Not everyone can come to conferences for direct interaction with their colleagues; let the GLRPPR Blog bring the benefits of such interaction to your desktop.
Read on, and don’t hesitate to leave comments on posts that you find interesting. For further information about weblogs and answers to commonly asked questions about the GLRPPR Blog, see our FAQ page.